Monday 8 April 2013

Transgenic food

The transgenic food is here to stay its been decades since we have been eating this particular harmful food that is genetically changed. During the 70s Monsanto introduced the their modified crops that were resistant to the pesticide they were producing. The farmers thought this was a efficient and cheap way to keep their crops healthy and weed away with an easy method. This went on for years until the science found out the real side effects of consuming this type of transgenic food. Since the crop is resistant when the farmers spray the crops this crops absorb the chemical that kills other type of weeds, these chemicals will be later on consumed by humans that will suffer considerable type of diseases such as cancer or or liver related problems. That's why all should be encouraged to consume organically grown products otherwise we will be consuming these very same substances that are meant to keel microorganisms, but could cause long term damage in humans.

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