Monday 8 April 2013


Cloning is a subject that has caused controversy all over the globe. It was recently introduced by British scientists who were able to successfully clone a sheep called dolly, the animal was apparently healthy and everything seemed to be turning just into an another score for science , but it had a strong of opposition specially from those whom were taking cloning from a very conservative point of view. They argued that it was anti natural to obtain a living beings from a single cell as supposed of two, well it was certainly not natural , but not a sin from the science's point of view. It is been proved that if animals were cloned, then this could work the exact same way with humans and that's were the whole problem will come to the table. Scientist find cloning to be a very useful tool for medical purposes, on the other hand conservative society finds it disgusting. Hopefully society will soon understand and realize of the many benefits that we as humans are wasting for not embracing development with modern concepts.

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