Monday 8 April 2013


Cloning is a subject that has caused controversy all over the globe. It was recently introduced by British scientists who were able to successfully clone a sheep called dolly, the animal was apparently healthy and everything seemed to be turning just into an another score for science , but it had a strong of opposition specially from those whom were taking cloning from a very conservative point of view. They argued that it was anti natural to obtain a living beings from a single cell as supposed of two, well it was certainly not natural , but not a sin from the science's point of view. It is been proved that if animals were cloned, then this could work the exact same way with humans and that's were the whole problem will come to the table. Scientist find cloning to be a very useful tool for medical purposes, on the other hand conservative society finds it disgusting. Hopefully society will soon understand and realize of the many benefits that we as humans are wasting for not embracing development with modern concepts.

The Electric Car

When we say electric car many people think of brand new hybrid cars that are helping the environment by not putting Co2 into our air, but in reality these type of vehicles were first introduced at the very start of 1900 back when the first prototypes were coming out to the market, as a matter of fact at that time there was consider to be the same amount of electric cars as there were gas cars, but somehow the electric car didn't make it into the automobile industry. This is just to demonstrate that electric cars are not an innovation the only innovation would be for us to realize that its been only a matter of business and now w are just falling into a enormously dependence of fossil fuels.

Transgenic food

The transgenic food is here to stay its been decades since we have been eating this particular harmful food that is genetically changed. During the 70s Monsanto introduced the their modified crops that were resistant to the pesticide they were producing. The farmers thought this was a efficient and cheap way to keep their crops healthy and weed away with an easy method. This went on for years until the science found out the real side effects of consuming this type of transgenic food. Since the crop is resistant when the farmers spray the crops this crops absorb the chemical that kills other type of weeds, these chemicals will be later on consumed by humans that will suffer considerable type of diseases such as cancer or or liver related problems. That's why all should be encouraged to consume organically grown products otherwise we will be consuming these very same substances that are meant to keel microorganisms, but could cause long term damage in humans.

Monday 4 February 2013

Are We A Cyber-Society?

During the past decades people have gotten much more dependent on electronic devices than they did before. Our generation is constantly using them on a daily basis non-stop, If we really think about it we never disconnect ourselves from them, let’s say the first think that you do in the mornings is grab you phone and check your email, then during the ride on the subway you have your iPod, and when you get to school you pull out your laptop and so on.

The way in which we depend on theses devices is scary and exhausting, scary in the first place because what would happened to society if suddenly electronics stop working? And exhausting because as individuals when do we really get to rest our brain and mind if we are always connected to some sort of network? When are we able to really disconnect and have a time for our own? The answer might be never, we don’t even realize how exhausting this is and how this affect really affect us as on a daily basis.

Considering all this fact we could easily say that we are considered to be a cyber-society, since more than a have of the activities that we daily performed, get done with electronics.

Monday 21 January 2013

The race for space has been delayed for  the past decades.
Some people think the humans have reached his highest point when it comes to space exploration, but the truth is that in reality we are way behind are own forecast. During the 60s humankind started a brilliant exploration by launching different types of projects that eventually led into the moon landing.
Unfortunately years later this race was somehow decelerated by a tight budget and lack of interest form US government. The federal reserve rejected multiple  times the possibility interplanetary exploration, even though it was proven that a planet like mars may contain important minerals, this means that this could not only be  used with scientific  purposes, but with a possibility of a lucrative business that could benefit the agency itself for further projects.
For many generation this is consider to be one of the biggest deceptions of the century, when we thought that the space and starts couldn’t be closer, all it seems to vanish and the dreams to die with them

Monday 14 January 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my Blog.
I’m in second year of advertising and marketing   at Sheridan College, with this blog I will try to discuss different topics all related to the current news and curious information on advertising and Marketing.
I have developed an enormously important interest around these particular topics since they are highly significant to everyone’s life. Different trends are the ones that at some point define us as a society and will let us expose ourselves as independent and free individuals.