Monday 4 February 2013

Are We A Cyber-Society?

During the past decades people have gotten much more dependent on electronic devices than they did before. Our generation is constantly using them on a daily basis non-stop, If we really think about it we never disconnect ourselves from them, let’s say the first think that you do in the mornings is grab you phone and check your email, then during the ride on the subway you have your iPod, and when you get to school you pull out your laptop and so on.

The way in which we depend on theses devices is scary and exhausting, scary in the first place because what would happened to society if suddenly electronics stop working? And exhausting because as individuals when do we really get to rest our brain and mind if we are always connected to some sort of network? When are we able to really disconnect and have a time for our own? The answer might be never, we don’t even realize how exhausting this is and how this affect really affect us as on a daily basis.

Considering all this fact we could easily say that we are considered to be a cyber-society, since more than a have of the activities that we daily performed, get done with electronics.