Monday 21 January 2013

The race for space has been delayed for  the past decades.
Some people think the humans have reached his highest point when it comes to space exploration, but the truth is that in reality we are way behind are own forecast. During the 60s humankind started a brilliant exploration by launching different types of projects that eventually led into the moon landing.
Unfortunately years later this race was somehow decelerated by a tight budget and lack of interest form US government. The federal reserve rejected multiple  times the possibility interplanetary exploration, even though it was proven that a planet like mars may contain important minerals, this means that this could not only be  used with scientific  purposes, but with a possibility of a lucrative business that could benefit the agency itself for further projects.
For many generation this is consider to be one of the biggest deceptions of the century, when we thought that the space and starts couldn’t be closer, all it seems to vanish and the dreams to die with them

Monday 14 January 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my Blog.
I’m in second year of advertising and marketing   at Sheridan College, with this blog I will try to discuss different topics all related to the current news and curious information on advertising and Marketing.
I have developed an enormously important interest around these particular topics since they are highly significant to everyone’s life. Different trends are the ones that at some point define us as a society and will let us expose ourselves as independent and free individuals.